School Tennis

Convenient and Fun School Tennis Lessons

Want your kids to learn tennis but can’t stand the thought of driving them around even more than you already do? With our school tennis lessons you won’t have to because we come to you.

Infinity Tennis holds tennis classes at several schools in the local area. The lessons are held immediately before or after school, which means less driving for you, and are perfect for beginners who want to give tennis a try.

Our school tennis program will not only give your kids the gifts of better physical fitness and greater confidence. It will also encourage them to have fun and build strong bonds with other kids in a supportive environment.

school tennis

Active Kids are Happy Kids

Kids need exercise just as much as adults do, and what better way to get that exercise than with a group of likeminded learners? Your kids will love being part of their school tennis program because our coaches work hard to make learning and playing fun for kids of all ages.

Our sessions will encourage your children to gain valuable tennis and life skills and build their physical fitness and strength. As our school tennis lessons progress, you’ll also see them grow in confidence as they start to master new skills and feel better about themselves.

And at the end of our sessions, your kids will come home to you happy, tired, and ready for a quiet night before bedtime.

Where to Find Our Tennis Classes for Kids

At the moment, you can find our school tennis lessons at:

  • Ormiston College
  • Belmont State School
  • Hilliard State School
  • Wellington Point State School
  • Birkdale South State School

Your kids can join one of our existing programs or we’d be happy to talk to you about starting a new one at your child’s school.

school tennis program

Get Started with School Tennis

If your kids would benefit from school tennis, contact our friendly team to find a program near you or to discuss setting up a new one.

Find Out More About School Tennis In Brisbane’s Bayside